New Booking Service: What’s in it for co-travellers?

New Booking Service: What’s in it for co-travellers?

An easier and more reliable way to carpool!

Are you a car owner? Click here to find out more about how it works for you

You can now book your seat online for trips on BlaBlaCar. You’ll notice some new changes when you book a ride. We made these changes to make it even easier for you to book and secure your seat.

Find a ride and book your seat online.

You will receive the car owner’s phone number once the booking is confirmed

blablacar new booking service

The car owner will be notified of your booking right away. Rides offered with automatic approval are confirmed instantly, so no need to contact several car owners and wait for a reply. For rides offered with manual approval, you set the time limit for the car owner to reply.

You’ll get the car owner’s phone number and all travel details via email and SMS as soon as your booking is confirmed.

Instead of just a verbal agreement with the car owner to travel together, you will get formal confirmation, just as when you book a hotel room or plane ticket.

Arrange your carpool with no hassle and ask the driver if you need more information


With the new booking service, the number of seats left is always up to date, so you no longer have to contact several car owners to see if they have space.

If you need more info, you can send a message directly to the car owner

Get to know your fellow co-travellers


Many of our members are using our Govt ID verification feature, so if you see a blue tick beside their photo, you’ll know they’ve uploaded and verified their Govt ID with BlaBlaCar.

You’ll also be able to see the photo, name and age of the other co-travellers who have already booked a seat in the same ride.

Pay the car owner by cash during the trip


As before, you’ll continue to pay the car owner directly by cash.

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